Name: Eli Webster
Code/Team: Ladies’ football
Occupation: Antarctic environmental work
Field position: Fullback! AKA I mostly just fling myself at people so they can’t score.
How long have you played with the Gaels? 2019 was my first real season, but I came out for some trainings in 2018.
When did you start playing football? I played for a hot second at Ulster University in 2007 (UUM! UUM!), took an 11 year break to do more rugby, then wandered over to the Gaels in 2018 after a few too many brain injuries in rugby.
What’s your favorite thing about Gaelic games? I love that it combines aspects of so many other sports. Do you like soccer? How about rugby? Basketball? Volleyball? Awesome-come play Gaelic Football! It’s all the things.
Best trainer on the squad: Easy: Becca!
Most skillful player: Trick question, no such thing. We’re all superstars.
Biggest joker: Again, I couldn’t possibly choose.
Odd item in your GAA kit bag: Toilet paper. You never know what the porta potty situation is going to be.
Ambition for the 2020 season: Uh, to survive COVID, I suppose.
If you could choose one player to join your squad, who would it be? Any rugger! Come on, friends! Rugby-to-football is a great move. Honest.
Sporting idol: I’m going to be a weirdo and say Glenn Cunningham (we had a children’s book about him that I read a lot as a kid). Basically his legs were wildly destroyed by an explosion as a kid, no one thought he would walk again, but by being a stubborn ass he became an amazing runner & went to the Olympics.
Best sporting advice you’ve received: “You can rest when you get to your mark.” AKA stop trotting around like a fatty and get to your spot, then you get to breathe. So motivating.
Why should someone join the Gaels: To hang out with me and try a wacky, wonderful sport. It’s so fun! Doooo it.