The Washington DC Gaels are pleased to announce we are making positive steps to establish a youth development program here in the DMV. As part of that, we're reaching out to you in search of two kinds of participants:
Coaches: Although we're in the initial planning phases, we are reaching out to personnel within the club who either already have GAA youth coaching certifications or would be interested in taking a Foundation Youth Coaching certification to assist with the coaching. Please register your interest by submitting your information here.
Parents: Secondly, if you have kids or know those who may want to participate in the program please let us know. Everyone is welcome! To be added to a mailing list with upcoming event information please register your interest here.
If you have any further questions or relevant information to share at this time, please reach out to the DC Gaels Youth Officer Danny Green (youth@dcgaels.com). More information to follow.