
For those that have neither seen nor heard of hurling, it can best be explained as a blend of lacrosse and field hockey. Played by teams of fifteen on a pitch nearly twice the size of a football field, players use a stick with a flat end for striking to hit a small leather ball called a sliotar.
Players must use the stick to lift the ball off the ground, then can carry it for a few steps before they have to pass it. You can pass with either the stick or by smacking the ball with the palm, which is called hand passing. Players score by firing the ball into the net past a keeper for three points or over the uprights above the goal for one point. Still doesn't make much sense? Watch a video of it here.
Team history: The hurling team has many stories of how they came to be. From the clashing of egos to travelling to Philly to play, there is no denying that by 2003 it was time to add hurling to the DC Gaels.
USGAA Championships won:
2005 Junior C
2006 Junior B
2009 Junior B
2014 Junior B
Coach: Donal Murray, Patrick McCabe
Players' Representative: Ian Hutchinson
Schedule: View the team's training schedule and match fixtures here.
Registration: Interested in joining? Follow this link for additional details.

Camogie is similar to hurling but is played by women. Using a stick with a flat end, players strike the ball through the posts for one point or into a net past the keeper for three points. Camogie players must use the stick to raise the ball off the ground and then can pass it with the stick or strike it with their palm. A few minor differences from the men's game include that women can drop their hurls when they hand pass and can handpass to score. Is Camogie still a confusing concept? Watch a video of it here.
Team history: Our camogie team was formed in 2000. At the time, camogie was not a part of the NACB but the Northeast Camogie Association (NECA), which was comprised of just four teams: two teams from Boston, one from New York and the DC Gaels.
USGAA Championships won:
Coach and Players' Representative: Rosemary Reilly
Schedule: View the team's training schedule and match fixtures here.
Registration: Interested in joining? Follow this link for additional details.